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Do Not Resuscitate



What is a Do Not Resuscitate Form?


A Do Not Resuscitate Form is used by terminally ill individuals who do not want to be saved or brought back to life via Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), defibrillation, or other life-saving or life-sustaining medical procedures. It is used by elderly people and individuals who are suffering from a health condition and do not see a path towards a cured condition. For people who want to stay off life-support in the event of a coma or major injury or illness may also use the form.


By definition, a Do Not Resuscitate order, also known as DNR, no code, or allow natural death, is a legal order in written or verbal form, depending on a country or state, that prevents medical interventions when a person requires life-support or his or heart stops beating.

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